I am pleased to announce that my latest homebrew release U.S.A. Naturalization Civics Test for DS came second in the App category of this year's Neo Retro Competition! The rest of the results are here. Thanks to the reviewers, everyone who has downloaded the app and given it a go, and most importantly the Neoflash team for running the competition.
Remember this?
Well, it's again available for download. My friend asked for it and I was aghast to learn that it had disappeared from the Internet, which I thought could never happen!
Game Trivia Catechism Mini Mix, my new game for iPhone. It's a simple multiple-choice trivia game based on my
Game Trivia Catechism games for DS. It's a free download, so head on over to iTunes and get it!
Game Trivia Catechism Mini Mix on iTunes
I've had my eye on this game for months, and finally with a 20% off sale at JB Hi-Fi, bought Import Tuner Challenge for a cheap $7. A part of the Tokyo Xtreme/Highway Racer series, I played the game almost non-stop on the weekend. It's just fun, and not as floaty as previous entries in the series. Recommended!
Eurogamer has an article about Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America who says that Nintendo makes "babysitting tools." Presumably because of all the kids games that Nintendo makes - you know, the ones that look a lot like Sony's
LittleBigPlanet. He then goes on to say that "no self-respecting 20-something is going to be sitting on an airplane with [a Nintendo DS]."
Which is probably true, though unfortunately for Sony, twenty-somethings are using their iPhone 4's instead.
David Cage of Quantic Dream, makers of
Heavy Rain, gave his thoughts about the technology behind Rockstar/Team Bondi's
L.A. Noire.
Eurogamer has the article - go ahead and read it if you haven't already. I'll wait.
As you can see, the man speaks in riddles! As a public service, I have translated what he said:
It's an interesting dead end. Because you know Team Bondi's cock is impressive, but it's only good for fucking. We, Quantic Dream, our cock is different. We're not interested in just fucking - we want to make love.
Ah, technology.
So this happened to me last night - the
3DS Black Screen of Death. It pops up and you have to power off your 3DS. I was playing
Ghost Recon Shadow Wars when it happened (twice). It may have something to do with brightness and power save, as I had turned up the brightness to 5 (from 3, my usual setting) and activated the power save option. When I went back to my original settings, the game ran fine.
Tried out the StreetPass function yesterday and managed to score four Mii's inside an EB Games, perhaps not surprisingly. Got another three at lunch time today - all of whom where female (possibly not IRL). TIP: Before you start cruising with StreetPass, you need to play the Puzzle and Quest games at least once. The new Mii's won't show up in those games otherwise.
Note the grey-haired Mii second from the right. I smiled when he introduced himself as our ex-Prime Minister.